
Universal Text Editor User Manual

This is a tiny attempt to develop a Universal Text Editor.


The salient feature is the custom buttons. A custom button can be defined to do various types of text manipulation.

For example:

  1. If the General button has a start value <span class="quote"> and end value of </span> then by clicking it you can simply enter the whole string as start end or if you perform this action on a selected text, it will replace the text with <span class="quote">text</span> i.e starttextend

  2. If you define the start value with <!-- and end value with -->, you will get HTML Comment.

  3. If you define the start value with // and leave end empty, you will get single line comment which is the same for several languages.

  4. If you define the start value with /* and end value with */, you get a multiline comment.

  5. You can put your code snippet in the start and end boxes and insert them into editor by simply clicking on the corresponding button.

  6. You can even put an entire file content into those two boxes and insert them anywhere in the editor by simple button click.
  7. To edit properties of a button, right click on that button and select edit.
  8. To delete a button, right click on that button and select delete.
  9. You can set keyboard shortcuts for your custom buttons. To set a keyboard shortcut for an existing button, right click on the button and fill the fileds marked by the name KBDS. The same applies for adding a new button too.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Line Operations

Windows/Linux Mac Action
Ctrl-D Command-D Remove line
Alt-Shift-Down Command-Option-Down Copy lines down
Alt-Shift-Up Command-Option-Up Copy lines up
Alt-Down Option-Down Move lines down
Alt-Up Option-Up Move lines up
Alt-Delete Ctrl-K Remove to line end
Alt-Backspace Command-Backspace Remove to line start
Ctrl-Backspace Option-Backspace, Ctrl-Option-Backspace Remove word left
Ctrl-Delete Option-Delete Remove word right
--- Ctrl-O Split line


Windows/Linux Mac Action
Ctrl-A Command-A Select all
Shift-Left Shift-Left Select left
Shift-Right Shift-Right Select right
Ctrl-Shift-Left Option-Shift-Left Select word left
Ctrl-Shift-Right Option-Shift-Right Select word right
Shift-Home Shift-Home Select line start
Shift-End Shift-End Select line end
Alt-Shift-Right Command-Shift-Right Select to line end
Alt-Shift-Left Command-Shift-Left Select to line start
Shift-Up Shift-Up Select up
Shift-Down Shift-Down Select down
Shift-PageUp Shift-PageUp Select page up
Shift-PageDown Shift-PageDown Select page down
Ctrl-Shift-Home Command-Shift-Up Select to start
Ctrl-Shift-End Command-Shift-Down Select to end
Ctrl-Shift-D Command-Shift-D Duplicate selection
Ctrl-Shift-P --- Select to matching bracket


Windows/Linux Mac Action
Ctrl-Alt-Up Ctrl-Option-Up Add multi-cursor above
Ctrl-Alt-Down Ctrl-Option-Down Add multi-cursor below
Ctrl-Alt-Right Ctrl-Option-Right Add next occurrence to multi-selection
Ctrl-Alt-Left Ctrl-Option-Left Add previous occurrence to multi-selection
Ctrl-Alt-Shift-Up Ctrl-Option-Shift-Up Move multicursor from current line to the line above
Ctrl-Alt-Shift-Down Ctrl-Option-Shift-Down Move multicursor from current line to the line below
Ctrl-Alt-Shift-Right Ctrl-Option-Shift-Right Remove current occurrence from multi-selection and move to next
Ctrl-Alt-Shift-Left Ctrl-Option-Shift-Left Remove current occurrence from multi-selection and move to previous
Ctrl-Shift-L Ctrl-Shift-L Select all from multi-selection

Go to

Windows/Linux Mac Action
Left Left, Ctrl-B Go to left
Right Right, Ctrl-F Go to right
Ctrl-Left Option-Left Go to word left
Ctrl-Right Option-Right Go to word right
Up Up, Ctrl-P Go line up
Down Down, Ctrl-N Go line down
Alt-Left, Home Command-Left, Home, Ctrl-A Go to line start
Alt-Right, End Command-Right, End, Ctrl-E Go to line end
PageUp Option-PageUp Go to page up
PageDown Option-PageDown, Ctrl-V Go to page down
Ctrl-Home Command-Home, Command-Up Go to start
Ctrl-End Command-End, Command-Down Go to end
Ctrl-L Command-L Go to line
Ctrl-Down Command-Down Scroll line down
Ctrl-Up --- Scroll line up
Ctrl-P --- Go to matching bracket
--- Option-PageDown Scroll page down
--- Option-PageUp Scroll page up


Windows/Linux Mac Action
Ctrl-F Command-F Find
Ctrl-R Command-Option-F Replace
Ctrl-K Command-G Find next
Ctrl-Shift-K Command-Shift-G Find previous


Windows/Linux Mac Action
Alt-L, Ctrl-F1 Command-Option-L, Command-F1 Fold selection
Alt-Shift-L, Ctrl-Shift-F1 Command-Option-Shift-L, Command-Shift-F1 Unfold
Alt-0 Command-Option-0 Fold all
Alt-Shift-0 Command-Option-Shift-0 Unfold all


Windows/Linux Mac Action
Ctrl-S Command-S Save
Tab Tab Indent
Shift-Tab Shift-Tab Outdent
Ctrl-Z Command-Z undo
Ctrl-Shift-Z, Ctrl-Y Command-Shift-Z, Command-Y Redo
Ctrl-, Command-, Show the settings menu
Ctrl-/ Command-/ Toggle comment
Ctrl-T Ctrl-T Transpose letters
Ctrl-Enter Command-Enter Enter full screen
Ctrl-Shift-U Ctrl-Shift-U Change to lower case
Ctrl-U Ctrl-U Change to upper case
Insert Insert Overwrite
Ctrl-Shift-E Command-Shift-E Macros replay
Ctrl-Alt-E --- Macros recording
Delete --- Delete
--- Ctrl-L Center selection

Custom Keyboard Shortcuts:

You can set custom keyboard shortcuts for buttons (i.e tasks) which you require more often for your editing. Keyboard shortcuts are limited to 3 primary modifiers (Ctrl, Alt, Shift). The secondary modifier is optional and it's limited to 30 options. The third one is the key and you can put almost anything here (1 character only). Thus combining 1 mandatory modifier and one optional modifier and a key, you can create suitable keyboard shortcuts as you like. When creating keyboard shortcuts you need to consider certain things:

  1. Keyboard shortcut, which tries to overwrite any existing shortcut, may or may not work depending on the environment and priority.
  2. Keyboard shortcut, which conflicts with basic functions (such as shift+a and such, which is actually capitalizaion or writing printable characters) won't be allowed and you will be rendered with an error message.
  3. Watch out for spaces. If you have space in the third key field it will show error message and you may not find what's causing this error because the white space is not visible (that's why it is called white space in the first place).
  4. There are two types of shortcuts. One is three keys and other is two keys. There are some predefined keys in the second modifier field which forces the shrotcut to be two keys, i.e it will show error if you try to use a third key. These keys are: Space Bar Tab Enter Esc Insert Home End Del PgUp PgDn Arrow Keys F1...F12
  5. There are some default keyboard shortcuts which are not allowed to be changed. This is a list of these keyboard shortcuts.
  6. There are some keyboard shortcuts which are not allowed to be set, because they are system default or browser default or some other reasons. This is a list of these keyboard shortcuts.

Default Shortcuts That Are Not Allowed To Be Changed:

Windows/Linux Mac Action
Ctrl-S Command-S Save
Ctrl-Z Command-Z undo
Ctrl-Shift-Z Command-Shift-Z Redo
Ctrl-A Command-A Select all
Ctrl-F Command-F Find
Ctrl-R Command-Option-F Replace
Ctrl-K Command-G Find next
Ctrl-Shift-K Command-Shift-G Find previous
Shift-Left Shift-Left Select left
Shift-Right Shift-Right Select right
Shift-Up Shift-Up Select up
Shift-Down Shift-Down Select down
Shift-Home Shift-Home Select line start
Shift-End Shift-End Select line end
Shift-PageUp Shift-PageUp Select page up
Shift-PageDown Shift-PageDown Select page down
Ctrl-Shift-Home Command-Shift-Up Select to start
Ctrl-Shift-End Command-Shift-Down Select to end
Ctrl-C Command-C Copy to clipboard
Ctrl-V Command-V Paste From clipboard
Ctrl-X Command-X Cut to clipboard
Ctrl-Space Command-Space Content Assist

Other Invalid Custom Shortcuts:

Windows/Linux Mac Possible Action
Ctrl-D Command-D May be a browser default
Ctrl-Tab Command-Tab May be a browser default
Alt-Tab Option-Tab OS default
Alt-Space Option-Space Possible OS default

Markups In Button Names!!

You can use HTML Markups in custom button name. That means you get to design your own custom button with HTML Markup. For example, if you put <b>buttonName</b> as the button name then your button will show with text buttonName bolded. You can put inline styling as well. The funny thing is, you can even put JavaScript code in the name field so that it executes onmouseout or onmouseover or on whatever property it is defined on. The catch is, you have to put all of that in a single line.

Valid Markups In Custom Buttons:

Markup Interpretation/Preview
<span></span> Span
<kbd></kbd> Keyboard key
<var></var> Variable
<s></s> Deleted text
<del></del> Deleted text
<q></q> Short quotation
<b></b> Bold text
<i></i> Italic text
<u></u> Underlined text
<code></code> Code
<em></em> Emphasis
<small></small> Small text
<sub></sub> Subscript
<sup></sup> Superscript
<mark></mark> Mark

Rules To use Markups in Custom Button Name:

The only rule is to not use any spaces between < and tagname or < and / or /tagname and > or / and tagname.


  1. < span>name</span> is wrong, space between < and span
  2. <span>name< /span> is wrong, space between < and /span
  3. <span>name</ span> is wrong, space between / and span
  4. <span>name</span > is wrong, space between /span and >
  5. <span >name</span> is correct
  6. <span class="classname">name</span> is correct

Note: To put < or > literally, you need to use &lt; and &gt; respectively.

HTML Markup is only allowed in Button Name. Other fields in creating new button will take the literal meaning of any input string.

You can apply CSS styling in custom buttons. Either you can use your own inline styling or available CSS classes which is used throughout this website. For example if you put <span class="warningcolor">buttonName</span> as the name, the button name will show as buttonName with dark red color.

Available CSS Classes:

The following list defines the valid set of CSS class names that are allowed in class field for custom buttons. There's absolutely no restriction in the name field of custom buttons; You can use whatever class you like inside HTML tags for button name (The effect will be your responsibility though :D).

Class Preview Applicable To
warningcolor Text Button/Button Name
error Text Button/Button Name
message Text Button/Button Name
button Text Button/Button Name
quote Text Button/Button Name
light-quote Text Button/Button Name
warning Text Button/Button Name
edit Text Button/Button Name
comment Text Button/Button Name
caret-right Button/Button Name
caret-left Button/Button Name
caret-up Button/Button Name
caret-down Button/Button Name
editor-button -- --
default -- --
custom -- --
dummy -- --
uedit-btn-custom-* (*=name) -- --

Local Storage:

Uedit uses local storage of browser to store user specific data and content. If Local storage is not available or disabled in the browser then nothing will be saved and simple reload of the page will make you lose all of your content. So before starting writing/editing make sure your browser supports the use of local storage and it is enabled. To check it, you don't have to do anything special, just reload the editor and if it finds everything right it won't say anything, otherwise it will warn you with a message box.

What will you do if the message box says local storage is disabled:

You just need to go to your browser settings and enable local storage (or cookie in some browsers).

For firefox:

  1. In a new tab type about:config and hit Enter and confirm action.
  2. Put Dom.storage.enabled in the search bar and hit Enter.
  3. Check the value, if it's true, local storage is enabled or vice-versa.
  4. Double click on this to change the value.


  1. Go to settings, then expand Advanced settings.
  2. navigate to Privacy section
  3. Click on content settings
  4. Look in the Cookie section
  5. Check the check box that says Allow local data to be set